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Marc Goodman

Global security advisor, futurist, and New York Times bestselling author of Future Crimes

  • About Marc Goodman

    Marc Goodman is one of the world’s leading authorities on global security and author of Future Crimes: Inside the Digital Underground and the Battle for Our Connected World —selected by the Washington Post as one of the 10 Best Books of 2015 and by as the best book of 2015 in Business & Investing. He has addressed audiences around the world, including: TED Global, The Economist’s Ideas Forum, Google Zeitgeist, Wired Magazine’s Forum, and the INTERPOL General Assembly. He frequently advises industry leaders, security executives and global policy makers on the risks and opportunities of emerging technologies and has operated in more than 70 countries around the world.

    In his talks, Marc Goodman answers key questions for business, government, healthcare organizations, financial institutions, NGOs, and individuals concerned about digital security. An engaging and entertaining speaker, Goodman provides a call to action for better security measures worldwide and empowers audiences with the education and tools to protect against these technological risks at both the corporate and personal level. Goodman’s TED talk on “A Vision of Crimes in the Future,” has been viewed nearly 1 million times and was selected by TED as one of the top two talks of 2012 to “freak-out” the TED community.

    Goodman founded the Future Crimes Institute to inspire and educate others on the security and risk implications of newly emerging technologies. He also serves as the Global Security Advisor and Chair for Policy and Law at Silicon Valley’s Singularity University, a NASA and Google sponsored educational venture dedicated to using advanced science and technology to address humanity’s biggest challenges. Goodman’s current areas of research include the security implications of exponential technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, big data, synthetic biology, virtual worlds, genetics, the Internet of Things, and location-based services. He also offers a popular e-course on digital privacy through Creative Live.

    Over the past twenty years Marc Goodman has built his expertise in next generation security threats such as cyber crime, cyber terrorism and information warfare through work with INTERPOL, the United Nations, NATO, the Los Angeles Police Department and the U.S. Government. For over a decade, Goodman trained numerous expert working groups on technological security threats while serving as a Senior Advisor to INTERPOL’s Steering Committee on Information Technology Crime. He has worked with various UN entities and was asked by the Secretary General of the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to join his High Level Experts Group on Global Cybersecurity.

    Marc Goodman’s articles have been published by the Harvard Business Review, The Atlantic, Forbes, The Economist, Wired, Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, Jane’s Intelligence Review, and the American Bar Association, among many others. He holds a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University and a Master of Science in the Management of Information Systems from the London School of Economics.

    Discover how your organization can harness technology. Visit Marc Goodman’s Company Reads page to learn more.

    Contact us to learn more about booking Marc Goodman for your next event.

  • Speaking Topics

    Risks and Rewards in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

    Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has the potential to revolutionize business and society and unleash a wave of innovation, productivity, and wealth never before seen in our world. So it’s no surprise employees and companies are adopting tools like ChatGPT at unprecedented rates. But to reap the rewards of GenAI, it’s critical to understand its underlying risks, such as data hallucinations, automated bias, deep fakes, and copyright threats. In this fascinating new talk, Marc Goodman walks audiences through the pros and cons of generative AI in an easy-to-understand format. He offers unique strategies for leveraging the innovation and great promise of AI securely, responsibly, and ethically so as to prevent or mitigate the wide array of risks AI can pose to companies, their customers, and employees and to society at-large.

    The Future of Financial Crime: AI, Deep Fakes and CrimeGPT

    Financial fraud is on the rise, and transnational criminal networks are innovating faster than industry and government can keep up. Crime groups have been early and eager adopters of artificial intelligence and are using its capabilities with cunning ingenuity, from launching precisely targeted AI-generated phishing attacks to cryptojacking and deep-fake enabled biometric impersonations. In this eye-opening presentation, Marc Goodman explains how these technologies are being leveraged to create vast networks of fraudulent identities and shell accounts to infiltrate company networks and target their assets and employees. He also shares the latest intelligence on criminal tradecraft in the world of financial crime, including a thought-provoking analysis of what companies must do with AI to protect and defend their businesses and customers from widespread losses going forward.

    Building a Culture of Cybersecurity

    Every day in the news, there is story after story of a major cyberattack. Surprisingly, employees themselves may unwittingly be putting their organizations at increased cyber risk, as 95% of security incidents involve human error, according to IBM Security. In this highly engaging and entertaining presentation, Goodman reveals how to take your organization’s weakest security links (people) and turn them into your greatest strength. A vigilant and informed workforce can vastly improve your company’s cybersecurity, and a human firewall must be a top priority. Marc Goodman will teach your employees how to protect themselves first, and thus your business, from existing and emerging threats, including the latest AI-generated risks.

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  • Praise for Marc Goodman


    The talk went very well! Marc was lovely to work with and we heard wonderful feedback.

    USI – Unexpected Sources of Inspiration

    The event was fantastic and Marc was an absolute hit. He delivered a fantastic keynote speech and everyone really enjoyed talking to him after during the book signing.

    Merchant Risk Council

    Marc Goodman’s presentation on the future of crime was the chilling awakening our audience didn’t know they needed. His style was fresh and informative, educational and entertaining, and geared to the specific interests of our audience. All of these factors have earned him a spot as one of the ACFE’s highest rated keynote speakers. The cyber world holds many dangers and unknowns, and Marc successfully opened the eyes of nearly 3,000 anti-fraud professionals by inspiring them to gain the skills and knowledge they need to protect our future. There’s no doubt everyone in the room learned something new that they applied to their professional and personal lives.

    Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Director of Events

    The event went great! Marc did a great job of engaging the audience and speaking to them at their level. He used a perfect combination of stories, pictures, video and content to make his points. The hour he spoke flew by and although some of the things he spoke about were a bit worrisome, he did a great job of keeping a positive yet a cautious outlook for the future.

    Attendee at LANDESK Interchange 2015

    Praise for Future Crimes

    Future Crimes helped me develop a grasp of the internet, and gave an indication what we’re possibly in for and what is already happening. In order to be modern, you have to read this book.

    Steven Martin, actor, comedian, and author of A Wealth of Pigeons

    The hacks and heists detailed in Future Crimes are the stuff of thrillers, but unfortunately, the world of cybercrime is all too real. There could be no more sure-footed or knowledgeable companion than Marc Goodman on this guided tour of the underworld of the Internet. Everyone—and the business world especially—should heed his advice.

    Daniel H. Pink, New York Times bestselling author of Drive and To Sell is Human

    Addictive….Introduces readers to this brave new world of technology, where robbers have been replaced by hackers, and victims include nearly anyone on the Web…He presents his myriad hard-to-imagine cybercrime examples in the kind of matter-of-fact voice he probably perfected as an investigator. He clearly wants us never to look at our cellphones or Facebook pages in the same way again—and in this, Future Crimes succeeds marvelously.

    The Washington Post

    Excellent and timely…Mr. Goodman is no neo-Luddite. He thinks innovations could ultimately lead to self-healing computer networks that detect hackers and automatically make repairs to shut them out. He rightly urges the private and public sectors to work more closely together, ‘crowdsourcing’ ideas and know-how…The best time to start tackling future crimes is now.

    The Economist

    Future Crimes is a risk compendium for the Information Age….Exhaustively researched….Fascinating….Thrilling to read

    San Francisco Chronicle

    In Future Crimes, Goodman spills out story after story about how technology has been used for illegal ends…The author ends with a series of recommendations that, while ambitious, appear sensible and constructive…Goodman’s most promising idea is the creation of a “Manhattan Project” for cyber security…[Future Crimes is] a ride well worth taking if we are to prevent the worst of his predictions from taking shape.”

    Financial Times

    A superb new book.

    The Boston Globe

    You couldn’t ask for a better [cyber risk] overview than Future Crimes.

    Harvard Business Review

    Marc Goodman is a go-to guide for all who want a good scaring about the dark side of technology.

    New Scientist

    Utterly fascinating stuff…Goodman weds the joy of geeky technology with the tension of true crime. The future of crime prevention starts here.

    NPR, San Francisco

    A well-researched whirlwind tour of internet-based crime.

    Science Magazine

    “By the middle of the first chapter you’ll be afraid to turn on your e-reader or laptop, and you’ll be looking with deep suspicion at your smartphone…[Goodman’s] style is breezy but his approach is relentless, as he leads you from the guts of the Target data breach to the security vulnerabilities in social media…Mr. Goodman argues convincingly that we are addressing exponential growth in risky technologies with thinking that is, at best, incremental.

    Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

    A riveting read.

    Nassim Nicholas Taleb, professor of engineering at NYU and New York Times bestselling author of The Black Swan

    From black ops to rogue bots and everything in between, Future Crimes is a gripping must-read. Marc Goodman takes readers on a brilliant, ‘behind-the-screens’ journey into the hidden world of 21st century criminal innovation, filled with one mind-boggling example after another of what’s coming next. Future Crimes raises tough questions about the expanding role of technology in our lives and the importance of managing it for the benefit of all humanity. Even better, Goodman offers practical solutions so that we not only survive progress, but thrive to an extent never previously imagined.

    Peter H. Diamandis, New York Times bestselling author of Abundance; CEO, XPRIZE Foundation; Exec. Chairman, Singularity University

    Future Crimes is the Must Read Book of the Year. Endlessly fascinating, genuinely instructive, and truly frightening. Be warned: Once you pick it up, you won’t put it down. Super cool and super interesting.

    Christopher Reich, New York Times bestselling author

    Technology has always been a double edged sword—fire kept us warm and cooked our food but also burned down our villages. Marc Goodman provides a deeply insightful view into our twenty-first century’s fires. His philosophy matches my own: apply the promise of exponentially growing information technologies to overcome age old challenges of humankind while at the same time understand and contain the perils. This book provides a compelling roadmap to do just that.”

    Ray Kurzweil, inventor, author and futurist

    Much has been discussed regarding today’s cybercrime threats as well as the cybercriminals’ modus operandi. What is lacking, however, is what we can do about them. Mr. Marc Goodman’s book Future Crimes brings our global dialogue on safety and security to the next level by exploring how potential criminals are exploiting new and emerging technologies for their nefarious purposes. It provides a futuristic perspective grounded on current case studies. Future Crime is an essential read for law enforcers, corporations and the community alike. It offers answers beyond what comes next to what we can do, both individually and collectively, to secure ourselves and our communities.

    Khoo Boon Hui, former President of Interpol

    A tour de force of insight and foresight. Never before has somebody so masterfully researched and presented the frightening extent to which current and emerging technologies are harming national security, putting people’s lives at risk, eroding privacy, and even altering our perceptions of reality. Future Crimes paints a sobering picture of how rapidly evolving threats to technology can lead to disasters that replicate around the world at machine speed. Goodman clearly demonstrates that we are following a failed cybersecurity strategy that requires new thinking rather than simply more frameworks, more information sharing, and more money. Read this now, and then get angry that we really haven’t taken the technology threat seriously. If the right people read Goodman’s book and take action, it might just save the world.

    Steven Chabinsky, former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Cyber Division

    As with Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything and Robert Whitaker’s Anatomy of an Epidemic, Future Crimes deserves a prominent place in our front-line library. Goodman takes us behind the computer screen to a dark world where Crime Inc. flourishes at our expense. When the criminal mind conceives “what if” it is only a matter of time before its dream becomes our nightmare. Goodman urges us to take responsibility for this new world we are speeding towards. If we don’t perhaps the greater crime will be ours.

    Ed Burns, co-creator of The Wire

    This is a fantastic book and one that should be read by every cyber crime fighter. Technology breeds crime…it always has and always will. Unfortunately, there will always be people willing to use technology in a negative self serving way. Your only defense is the most powerful tool available to you—education. Read Future Crimes and understand your risks and how to combat them. The question I am most often asked in my lectures is, ‘What’s the next big crime?’ The answer is in this book.”

    Frank Abagnale, New York Times bestselling author of Catch Me If You Can and Stealing Your Life
  • Books by Marc Goodman

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