
Bold Ideas to Restore Our Planet


April 22nd marks Earth Day, and this year’s theme is “Restore Our Earth™.” As the world turns to climate action, consider these speakers who discuss environmental issues and sustainability with powerful clarity and offer concrete suggestions for creating a viable planet.

Suzanne Simard

SuzanneSimard EarthDay

Suzanne Simard is a Professor of Forest Ecology at the University of British Columbia and the leader of The Mother Tree Project, which researches forest renewal practices that will protect biodiversity against climate change. She has a global reputation as a research pioneer on tree connectivity and communication. Her upcoming book, Finding the Mother Tree (May 2021), brings us into the intimate world of trees, illuminating incredible truths about their complicated, social, interdependent relationships. Dr. Simard delivers powerful lectures about the fascinating interconnectedness of trees and her revolutionary work on The Mother Tree Project. She also emboldens women of all ages to pursue STEM careers, highlights the crucial role forests play in combatting climate change, and emphasizes the importance of appreciating our natural world.

Bina Venkataraman

BinaVeenataraman EarthDay

Bina Venkataraman is a former journalist and Senior Advisor for Climate Change Innovation under the Obama Administration, a role in which she worked to forge partnerships across communities, companies, and the government to prepare for climate change disasters. Her book, The Optimist’s Telescope, explores the ways that we can plan better for the future in a time where it’s easy to move forward without thinking, highlighting examples throughout history and drawing from research in biology, psychology, and economics. Her talks urge listeners to replace a “legacy building” approach to the future with “heirloom thinking” to improve their ability to make long-term decisions.

Bren Smith

BrenSmith EarthDay

As a young fisherman, Bren Smith found himself troubled by the destruction of the commercial trawlers he worked on left behind on the ocean floor. In response, he pioneered a technique called 3D ocean farming, taking a revolutionary approach to growing seafood in a way that absorbs carbon, acts as storm surge protection, and restores water quality while creating food and employment for the surrounding community. In his talks, he shares his story of ecological redemption and provides a ray of hope in the current environmental discourse with his compelling solutions to climate change.

Paul Greenberg

David Allen Sibley Earth Day

David Allen Sibley

David Allen Sibley Earth Day

Lauren Redniss

LaurenRedniss EarthDay

Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau