Results for “Jennifer Egan ”

Jennifer Egan

Jennifer Egan

Jennifer Egan is the author of the 2011 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel A Visit from the Goon Squad. Published in 2010, the book soared to the top of many publications’ Best...

Plan “Take Your Kids to Work Day” with us!

Plan “Take Your Kids to Work Day” with us!

Our roster of childrens authors and illustrators will kick off the days programming with engaging presentations featuring beloved characters, inclusive themes, and imaginative stories.

Matthew Holm

Matthew Holm

Matthew Holm is the New York Times-bestselling author and illustrator of more than 35 books for children. Together with his sister, author Jennifer L. Holm, he co-created the graphic novel...

Looking Ahead to Black History Month 2019

Looking Ahead to Black History Month 2019

As you look ahead to next year, now is the time to secure a speaker for MLK Day and Black History Month events. Our speakers will inspire important discourse in your community and organization.